All lives matter. It’s as simple as that. Or it should be as
simple as that. Unfortunately, after many recent events it has come to light
that not all lives matter. Only a select few lives matter. At least that’s what
some in power want us to think.
I recently stated that Donald Trump’s bid to become the GOP
candidate for POTUS was starting to look like a bit of a joke. Even though I
don’t agree with all of his views I can say that he is the only candidate who
seems to be serious about addressing the big pink elephant in the room…to me that
makes him less of a joke. He’s the only candidate that has walked the walk.
Don’t get me wrong, there are a few other candidates who have talked the talk,
but he actually took the time to meet with the families of those who were
killed by illegal aliens.
The time he spent this past weekend with those families says
a lot about where his heart is. Yes, he may come off as tooting his own horn,
but what candidate doesn’t? Yes, he didn’t use “politically correct” words, but
is that what we need as a country right now? No matter if you love him or hate
him, because there seems to be no in between, he is proving that he believes
all lives matter.
In a day when the current President addresses the deaths of
criminals killed by cops and ignores an innocent woman brutally shot in front
of her father we need someone like Trump to stir the pot. We need someone to
stand up for American lives. Not gay Americans. Not black Americans. Not Latino
Americans. ALL Americans. Our country is at a time when our constitutional
rights are being questioned every day. As Americans we are already fighting for
the constitution. We shouldn’t have to fight for our lives and fight invaders
for our country.
Don’t get me wrong those illegal aliens who sneak over
matter too. They just shouldn’t matter to us. The countries from which they
have come do not believe all lives matter and we are paying the consequences. Many
of the countries south of our border are corrupt and are only worried about
their 1%. Although, the governments are
corrupt the people let it happen. Instead of fighting to illegally cross our
borders they should be fighting to change the world they are fleeing from.
America wasn’t built over night. Our forefathers knew that
all lives mattered. They knew the importance of free speech. They knew the
importance of the right to bear arms. They knew the importance of freedom of
religion. Most importantly, they knew the power of the people. Our 3 branches
of government have slowly started to morph into one under the current
President, but that’s not how it was supposed to be.
The importance of the voice of the people was what was
supposed drive this country. Instead, we’ve come to a place where American’s
are screaming for real positive change and we’re getting nothing! If Obama can
acknowledge the death of several criminals there’s no question that he should
acknowledge the horrible death of Kate Steinle…but he hasn’t. He hasn’t done
this because to him not all lives matter. To him the only lives that matter are
the ones that will win him votes. The huge influx of illegals is no accident.
The administration and his cronies manufactured it as a way to keep this
socialist regime in power.
The people who are being let in are used to tyrants in
power. To them it’s nothing new. These are the people who will vote if Obama
has his way. The criminals who are coming here illegally will lead to the fall
of America as we know it if it is not stopped. Not just the fictional “white privileged”
America, but the melting pot and world power America. The America that gave
birth to innovation, technology, freedom and the American Dream. That America
will be no more if we do not stop illegal aliens from coming.
True Americans know that all American lives matter. No
matter your race or age or your social status. True Americans do not believe
that Freddie Gray is more important than Kate Steinle. True Americans see that
Obama has been the most divisive president in history. He has made it so people
are starting to think not all lives matter. He has minorities thinking that
whites don’t believe all lives matter. He has this country thinking there are
race issues.
There will always be that small group of people in every
race who think they’re better. That can’t be denied. But it used to be a small
group of people. Now the country is more divided than ever because the people
running it are saying only a few lives matter. In addition, they are now
starting to believe American lives don’t matter either. If this keeps going
that will be the end of America, as we know it.
As I’ve said before I’ve spent a lot of time with various
families who had a loved one murdered by an illegal alien. One of the things I
have found so interesting is that no matter the race, no matter the social
status they all agree. They all come together often hugging when they meet.
They stay in touch after the first meeting. They become friends and a support
group. They know all American lives matter. It’s sad that a horrible act had to
bring these people from different walks of life together. But it is good to see
that there are still people from different walks of life who can come together
and fight for one cause.
I’ve never heard a racist comment come out of their mouths. I’ve
never seen them talk down to someone else. The real impressive part, is I’ve
never heard them say the illegal aliens’ lives don’t matter. They may have
called them a monster for torturing their son or raping their sister or
randomly shooting their son at a red light. That I can’t blame them for…I’m
sure I would do and say far worse. Instead, I hear words of encouragement from
those who have been suffering longer. I hear them say ALL lives matter. I hear
them blame the government in other countries for not taking care of their
people. They blame our government for caring more about illegals than
Americans. They have every right, in my
mind, to lump all Mexicans, Salvidorians, Venezuelans or any other foreigners
into one group and say they’re all bad. As a Latina I know I would do it! My
heart is not as good as theirs.
The losses they have suffered allow them to see the bigger
picture. The losses as unfortunate as they are, may be the key to getting
everyone to see that all American lives matter. Listening to these people and
their stories and what they have gone through and their uncertainty of lies
ahead brings to light the atrocities our government is allowing to happen. The
fact that none of these people have ever been acknowledged by this
administration shows that we need change. We need to get the word out that we
are fighting an enemy who is coming in under the radar…or at least they used
to. We need for all Americans to get on the same page.
As someone who lives every single day praying my mother who, runs an organization for families, makes it to her bed in one piece I must say
that all lives matter. I sometimes wish she had found a safer calling. There is
always that voice in the back of my head praying “God, please keep my mother
safe and don’t let some psycho hurt because of what she does for these
families”. My mother, these families and
Donald Trump see the importance of American lives. They see what is happening
to our people.
So today, I ask that you pray. Pray that all of these people
fighting the good fight prevail. Pray that one day very soon our country will
see that all American lives matter. Pray that as a nation we can learn from the
past several years. Pray that Americans will learn from these families that
have lost so much and join together regardless of race or social status. Pray
that these countries that are sending the people they don’t want will start to
see their lives matter. Most importantly, pray that God will continue to bless
America and American lives.