Thursday, October 6, 2011

5.9 million people isn’t all that much… when you’re single…

I recently visited with one of my favorite couples. They’re two of the nicest people I’ve ever met and have a wonderful family. I always enjoy whining to them about being single and they (for some odd reason) enjoy living vicariously through me. Needless to say we all have interesting stories when we get together.
            During my latest visit I mentioned how I always run into my exes or friends of my exes. It always seems to be the ex that trampled my heart the worst. I will admit that I’m horrible at picking them… There was the prominent attorney who “forgot” he was still legally married & had 4 kids; the 40 year old who had never been married, no kids with commitment issues; the smoking hot Jewish drunk (dialer);  the Australian who “surprised” me with 2 kids under the age of 7… my list goes on and on…
            After re-hashing the horrible decisions of my past, my friends iced my pity party cake with “We never run into our exes.”
 What?! This has got to be a cruel joke… Apparently, once you’re married the woodwork that spits out exes and all of their gossipy friends closes up shop and moves on to the next poor single soul.  
Why is this I wondered? I have another single friend who runs a little on the desperate side who thinks if you run into someone enough y’all should get back together. I on the other hand feel if you run into someone enough you should reconsider the places you’re running around.
Although, my desperate 30 something friend may have a point… When are you defying fate? I know you’re supposed leave it all to the love gods, but what if you’re a stubborn, hard headed, know-it-all, single, female like me?
Is the Houston metro area with a population of 5.9 million really that small or is “fate” working its magic to get you and the stubborn 40 year old with commitment issues to see that you’re really meant to be together? How do you know which is which? And why doesn’t fate send a single, non-commitment phobe, 6’4”, green eyed, good looking, successful, guy your way?
Even though my 30-something friend may have good intentions I choose to think it has everything to do with strategic placement. 5.9 million is only small if you make it small. It’s all about where you put yourself. If I put myself in a place, even if I was there first, where my ex and/or his gossipy friends may be there it’s my fault… I placed myself there.
So, now when my “optimistically” desperate friend says to leave it to fate I’ll correct her.  We should leave it to strategic placement! Because if you put yourself in the right places 5.9 million doesn’t have to be small… it can actually be the 4th largest city in the nation.


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