Tuesday, June 3, 2014

You Cain’t Fix stupid, but You Can fix…

You can’t fix stupid… Many a men (and women) have said those words. Until this week I thought you might not be able to fix stupid, but you can guide stupid. Apparently, I was wrong.

I’ve had several people the last several months ask why AvoChron has been in hibernation. Honestly, there was so much to write about and it takes time and I’ve been happy living life. That being said, I’m now angry and have a lot to say.  So hold on to your chonies or britches…whichever you prefer.

This week Bowe Bergdahl was released by terrorists in exchange for FIVE terrorists. I refuse to distinguish Bergdahl with a military title as of today. As it stands, I don’t feel he deserves a military title. According to anyone with any knowledge of this man and his time in the military he gave up that honor and privilege.

As of today, June 3, 2014, Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi has been in Mexican custody for 64 days, for making a wrong turn. I would actually consider this a kidnapping. He made a wrong turn and instead of allowing this American hero to turn around, Mexican officials took him into custody.

This is the same Mexico that allows and condones the illegal immigration of millions of Mexicans into America.

This is the same country that refuses its "rejects" to be returned and refuses to take back the social rejects they don’t want to provide for.

This is the same corrupt country that is run by drug cartels that we have given guns.
The same guns that kill our border patrol agents, many of whom are former military (look up “Fast and Furious” or “BP Agent Brian Terry” if you’ve been living in a cave). 

The same country that reaps the benefits of millions of American dollars in tourism and business every year… not to mention our drug money!  Needless to say, they owe us some favors.

Now back to how you can’t fix stupid.  I’m cringing as I write this…President Obama felt it was necessary to act on Bergdahl but not Sgt. Tahmooressi.  This boggles my mind.

Every day hundreds of Mexicans get into America illegally by wading across the Rio Grande River.  We’re that close! People literally walk across the border. Not only that, but depending on which cell phone provider you have you can even call Mexico with no international fees! It’s like calling my grandmother in Abilene...and as stated before, Mexico owes us some favors. So they should be send Sgt. Tahmooressi back... let him wade across the Rio Grande.

How stupid do you have to be to not pick up the phone or jump in your blow-up paddle boat to retrieve a man who actually served our country honorably? 

How stupid do you have to be to not even acknowledge the fact that Mexico who is entirely in debt to Americans is in the wrong?

How stupid do you have to be to think that releasing FIVE known high level terrorists is not a good idea?

Deep down inside I was praying that the disdain and heartlessness Obama shows for our troops and country would carry over to these terrorists. Secretly, I was crossing my fingers that the second we had the deserter Bergdahl in American custody Obama would signal one of our wonderful snipers to take out the terrorists and their friends who picked them up from the airport.

Deep down inside I prayed that the same day Obama would also announce he made a phone call and Tahmooressi was on his way home to his family and would be able to receive the care he needs.  If this man was even a tenth of the man he thinks he is that’s what he would have done. But like I said you can’t fix stupid.

What is even more disturbing is that, according to a news poll, 80 percent of Americans feel that the Bergdahl deal should not have been made. Eighty percent!  

I can’t remember the last time 80 percent of Americans agreed on anything!  

I also saw another news poll that said 75 percent of people feel Obama should get Tahmooressi back.  Keep in mind about 10 percent of those polled claimed to not be completely informed on the topic.

According to news polls Obama did the wrong thing according to the American people. At the end of the day the American people are who he works for.  Had he gone through the correct channels to get Bergdahl back Obama would know this…but you can’t fix stupid.

What is even more confusing is that Obama went against people in his own party and in his cabinet to do this.  This is where the leading of stupid people would normally come into play.  Most stupid people can be easily influenced by those around them.  Most stupid people are too concerned with what other people think to go against them. Most stupid people are merely sheep.  Easily herded to their next destination.

I’ve now come to the conclusion that Obama is in fact not stupid! My other suspicions have been confirmed…Obama is anti-American, anti-military, he is a liar (see his 2008 speech where he said he would never rule by Executive Order) and most importantly he thinks he is a dictator.  Yes, Obama was elected into office by Americans, other than myself, but in his mind he thinks he knows better than the American people. In his mind he thinks his way is the only way.

Since you can’t fix stupid we now have to fix arrogance and manipulation. Our country has now found itself in a pickle. Some Americans, who I presume are actually stupid, voted in someone who doesn’t think his job is to serve the American people. This is something we can fix.

This “fix” starts from the bottom up. The last several years I’ve been able to see how politics works.  I’ve worked on campaigns, I’ve met and spoken with candidates and elected officials.  I’ve learned that to fix our problem, we cannot be stupid.

I also think we, as Americans, need to study history, learn it, and know it.  I had someone make a snarky comment once about my being a history major. They said “history isn’t political science”. They’re right…knowing history is even better.  Political science is the study of politics and government. That’s great and I’m sure they learn a lot about how government and politics work.

Learning about history opens your eyes to a whole new world…literally and figuratively. It helps you to interpret the past. You learn how to collect information and apply it to different situations, often political. You learn about different trends in countries and how past decisions have influenced a country’s current state.  History teaches people to look outside of their small world and look at the bigger picture.

Seeing all sides of the bigger picture and making a good, moral and just decision is all part of fixing stupid.  Once we fix stupid, we can put people in power who think like we do and actually work for the American people.

We’ll have someone who knows the difference between a deserter and hero.

So get your history books out and see why we don’t negotiate with terrorists. Get your history books out and learn as to why the constitution was written in the manner it was written.  Get your history books out and learn why the office of the President is not the end all and be all. Do the research and fix your own stupid. Once we fix stupid in our small worlds we’ll be able to help fix stupid everywhere…and if we don’t fix it we can at least guide it.

visit www.theavocadochronicles.com

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