What does clean as a hound’s tooth mean? It’s a Southern saying. Contrary to what people used to believe, a dog’s mouth is actually just as dirty as a human’s. In this case those crying racism are as clean as a hound’s tooth.
Recently, Roseanne Barr tweeted a comment that many people said was “racist”… others said was distasteful…some just didn’t care. When I heard her show had been canceled after the tweet I was shocked. I caught part of the story on the radio after an appointment & I had not heard exactly what was “tweeted”.
Once I heard the tweet I was somewhat confused as to how the network swiftly canceled her show and released a tongue lashing of a statement. I’ve seen and heard equally offensive things from people air on the network and no action was taken. I’ve heard equally offensive and even worse things air on other networks and no pink slips were handed out. So why the swift move on Roseanne and why the jump to the race card?
First, I have to say that when I heard & read what was tweeted my mind didn't immediately think “racist tweet”. I thought a Planet of the Apes reference was inaccurate…I personally think VJ looks more like those midget bear-like ewok creatures from Start Wars. But I could be mistaken. Either way, I was baffled as to why people automatically screamed racism.
Which leads to my next point, the double standard in the media and certain segments of society. I often joke that I’m the least “PC” person you will ever meet. I’m a strong believer that if you can dish it out you have to be able to take it. I also try to live my life to the best of my ability based on FACTS. Which is why I’m shocked that ABC would swiftly cancel a show based on a tweet, of all things.
Numerous times on SEVERAL networks I’ve heard people insult Christians, Jews, Caucasians, Asians, this country, the POTUS…the list goes on. Not one time do I remember actions as decisive and swift as this take place. In fact, it’s almost as if you can insult every group except African Americans. This based on just the comments that have been aired…I’d hate to hear what people say in the privacy of their own homes or circle of friends.
My second point, I’ve heard disgusting comments about killing whites, that they don’t deserve to live, among other things from some influential people in the Af-Am community. Not one time have I heard anyone on ABC or any other network criticize what they say. I can’t help but wonder how spreading so much hate is not as or more damaging as a failed joke on twitter. As someone who has received death threats, I am far more concerned about that than someone saying I look like an animal from a movie.
Threatening someone’s life based on race or beliefs is not anywhere near as dangerous as comparing them to an animal. Do I agree with what Roseanne said? Not really. Do I believe in her right to say it? Yes. Do I think she meant to seem “racist”? I’ll never know, but I do know that she had minorities working on her show…so I would assume not. Do I think, based on previous comments ON AIR by other people, the actions taken by ABC were fair? No.
Notice, I did not say they weren’t right. I said they weren’t FAIR. Every organization has their own set of standards and it is their right to enforce those standards. That being said, those standards, rules, etc. should be enforced with ALL people associated with their organization. In this situation, that did not happen. Roseanne was made an example of and she was not held to the same low standards as others in the industry or who are part of ABC. I’m not a lawyer but sometimes I pretend to be one…I would say she may have good case on her hands…“Old white lady gets canned for off the job remark yet her counterparts still hold their positions after making insulting comments on air.” I could be wrong…but if I were her I’d probably fight tooth & nail for a paycheck.
My third point, why is it the people who cry racism are the first ones to separate themselves from the “pack”? An example of this comes from the wacky state of Oregon. A bar had a “reparations” happy hour where they discouraged whites from going to the bar and gave blacks $10 when they walked in the door. The $10 was paid for by whites who believe in reparations. I thought the whole point of ending racism was to NOT be separate but equal, but to be together and equal.
Events like the one at the bar seem to contradict everything they’re “fighting” for. If you want to be included in society and treated equally why would you separate yourself from the people you say aren’t including you? It’s like working really hard to make the team…you make the team…then you decide you’re going to start your own team. Doesn’t make sense. In fact, I would go as far as to say it’s reverse racism.
I’ve never been a fan of groups of people based on race. Whether at schools or community organizations…I feel they display blatant hypocrisy. I understand wanting to celebrate your heritage/culture, but wouldn’t you want others to celebrate with you? If you’re looking to be included wouldn't you want those you want to include you to be included as well? We should not start separating ourselves based on race, because it feeds the monster that was fought years ago and in some places some people may still be trying to quell. Inclusiveness and exposure to our differences is the key to acceptance.
Lastly, the pot needs to stop calling the kettle black. If you’re going to interpret any comments or tweet as racist you should practice what you preach. Many of these people who are upset about Roseanne’s comments are guilty of the same and much worse. I know this because I’ve seen it and was shocked they still had jobs after their comments!
If true equality is what people are striving for there can’t be a separate set of rules based on the color of your skin or political beliefs. You can’t separate yourself from the rest of society and expect to be accepted and understood. You can’t make distasteful, hateful & racist comments and expect no one else to. You can’t live by one set of rules and standards and expect everyone else to live by different ones…that would make you as clean as hound’s tooth.
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