Monday, October 31, 2011

Occupy my a**!

Yea… I said it! Occupy my a**! That’s how I feel about the “Occupy Wall Street” protests and its protesters.  I normally wouldn’t make such a strong politically incorrect statement about something, but this is the exception. Actually, that’s a bit of a lie… I would make a politically incorrect comment I would just keep it between my friends and family, but I’ve kept my views on OWS to myself until a recent conversation with a friend.
            We were having our weekly political conversation when we started talking about how this isn’t the “spontaneous” protest they would like us to think it is. In fact my sister-in-law passed on a link from craigslist offering to pay people to become OWS protesters. When I think of spontaneous I don’t think someone being paid to do something. In fact I think of the opposite. Someone who is so passionate and informed on an issue that they would “protest” for free!
I’m a strong believer in the First Amendment and as my friends and family can tell you I am great at exercising it. What I have a problem with are people who are falsely advertising what they’re doing. The “occupy” diaper, as I will call it because it’s full of you know what, is doing just that. Many of the people who are protesting have no clue what the movement and the people who are funding it really stand for. Not to mention many of the protesters are college students who are fresh out of college and have forgotten how their college was paid for.
These young adults claim to be passionate about their cause, but they don’t know what their cause is. Many of these grads (and there are many ivy leaguers there) are saying down with big business, banks and rich people. I’m sorry, but most of our parents saved money and invested to pay for college… and how did they do that? Through banks, Wall Street and their jobs with big business paid them the money to do so.
I understand the frustration of not having a job. It’s something most people go through after graduating college, but it is not an excuse to form a meaningless protest against the institutions that employ more than a third of our country. Instead, not having a job should motivate people to hit the pavement handing out resumes door to door, network, or get a job waiting tables to pay the bills. Getting paid to protest a cause you don’t understand is not the way to get the dream job you complain about not having.
Not to mention the hypocrisy of it all… I can’t imagine trying to bring down the very people who are providing jobs. Even if we left out the approximately 35% of jobs created by big business we still have the other 65% of small business owners or the so-called “rich people”. I came across an interview with an OWS bulls***er and they said they didn’t like rich people, but they couldn’t explain who rich people were… I wonder if they consider Kanye, Russell Simmons, “Fat Bastard” aka Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon rich? I sure do!
If these protesters were as smart as they claim they would have jacked Kanye for his Gucci shoes, stolen Russell’s limo and moved their protests into Michael Moore’s house. These are the real people we need to be after. They are biggest hypocrites and they don’t deserve the million dollar checks they get… right? Isn’t that what OWS is all about? The Robin Hood way of doing things? Oh wait… celebrities don’t count? Hypocrisy at its finest.
Another thing these protesters do not understand is basic world history. The promises they want the government to make of spreading the wealth except for a select few (i.e. celebrities & government officials), providing everything for its people and being omnipresent is called a communist society. Making everyone equal no matter how hard you work and making government present everywhere and giving them control over everything. If that’s what they want send the protesters and their celeb supporters to Cuba, China, Vietnam, Korea or Laos… I’m sure we can find millions of people who would trade with them to come to America and work hard to earn their keep and try their hand at the American dream. After we send them away, we’ll check back in a year and see how things are going… You want to come back to America? Sorry you’re SOL buddy. Call Soros and see if he’ll pay for you to come back.
Now… off of my soap box. I will say this… I am frustrated about the fees banks charge and no longer getting frequent flyer miles when I use my Chase debit card, but I would never spend a month in a public park without showering throwing a fit about it. Instead of getting paid to cause trouble, becoming friends with the homeless and not showering for a month these people should be motivated to change things. Not Obama diaper kind of change, but the get out in the world and make something of yourself change. Truly live the American dream!
And the last time I checked living the American dream wasn’t sleeping in a park with the homeless and eating PB & J sandwiches.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

5.9 million people isn’t all that much… when you’re single…

I recently visited with one of my favorite couples. They’re two of the nicest people I’ve ever met and have a wonderful family. I always enjoy whining to them about being single and they (for some odd reason) enjoy living vicariously through me. Needless to say we all have interesting stories when we get together.
            During my latest visit I mentioned how I always run into my exes or friends of my exes. It always seems to be the ex that trampled my heart the worst. I will admit that I’m horrible at picking them… There was the prominent attorney who “forgot” he was still legally married & had 4 kids; the 40 year old who had never been married, no kids with commitment issues; the smoking hot Jewish drunk (dialer);  the Australian who “surprised” me with 2 kids under the age of 7… my list goes on and on…
            After re-hashing the horrible decisions of my past, my friends iced my pity party cake with “We never run into our exes.”
 What?! This has got to be a cruel joke… Apparently, once you’re married the woodwork that spits out exes and all of their gossipy friends closes up shop and moves on to the next poor single soul.  
Why is this I wondered? I have another single friend who runs a little on the desperate side who thinks if you run into someone enough y’all should get back together. I on the other hand feel if you run into someone enough you should reconsider the places you’re running around.
Although, my desperate 30 something friend may have a point… When are you defying fate? I know you’re supposed leave it all to the love gods, but what if you’re a stubborn, hard headed, know-it-all, single, female like me?
Is the Houston metro area with a population of 5.9 million really that small or is “fate” working its magic to get you and the stubborn 40 year old with commitment issues to see that you’re really meant to be together? How do you know which is which? And why doesn’t fate send a single, non-commitment phobe, 6’4”, green eyed, good looking, successful, guy your way?
Even though my 30-something friend may have good intentions I choose to think it has everything to do with strategic placement. 5.9 million is only small if you make it small. It’s all about where you put yourself. If I put myself in a place, even if I was there first, where my ex and/or his gossipy friends may be there it’s my fault… I placed myself there.
So, now when my “optimistically” desperate friend says to leave it to fate I’ll correct her.  We should leave it to strategic placement! Because if you put yourself in the right places 5.9 million doesn’t have to be small… it can actually be the 4th largest city in the nation.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Are Americans a bunch of bandwagon patriots?

Nothing is more “American” than Sunday night football. Growing up I remember watching football with my family. I never realized what it was we were taking part in, until today.
Here we are 3 full weeks after 9/11 and seems almost as if we have all forgotten. Not just about the tragic events of that day, but about just how amazing this country truly is. That is why I ask the question, are Americans a bunch of bandwagon patriots?
I remember 9/11 vividly… It was my 18th birthday and I remember how my world changed. Not just because legally I was allowed to fight for my country, vote, get my first bank account without my parents, rent a car and buy cigarettes… but because for the first time in my short life I felt the wonderful feeling of being a citizen of a truly united country. It was the America I studied in history class and went on to study while getting a bachelors degree in history. Now let me be clear... I have always been proud of my country. I just never felt unity like I did then.
Now, I look at my younger family members and they don’t see America as I see America. When I think of America I think of the pledge of allegiance, bald eagles, stars & stripes, public prayers, hard work pays off and one nation under God. I think of being proud of being “American”… Not “Mexican- American” or “African-American” or “Asian-American”. We used to all be AMERICANS and we were all working to live the American dream… the idea that if you work hard, do what’s right and pray every night you too can live the dream.
I watched the 9/11 coverage this year and felt so proud to be a part of this country. I was moved to tears. I admit I tear up a little every time I hear the national anthem… It gives me chills. I think of all of the opportunities I’ve been given and have taken advantage of, all because I was lucky enough to be born an American. I thought of all of the brave men and women, including my step-brother, who fought for me to live the wonderful life I live.
Then I thought about all the people who are trying to change this beautiful country. They don’t believe in hard work paying off, they don’t believe in following the rules or being an American. They feel we should all be hyphenated Americans. And this frustrates me because I tell everyone “I’m an American first, a Texan second, Christian third and I just happen to be a “Latina”.
With all of that being said… I still feel there is hope. While doing one of the most American things I can do, watching Sunday night football, I saw a glimmer of hope. The Baltimore Ravens and New York Jets were about to play and Martina McBride was singing our national anthem and there they were… professional athletes who are trained to be rough and tough… grown men in full football pads singing our national anthem. Not only were they singing our national anthem but they had tears in their eyes. I would like to think and will continue to think until I’m told differently that they were thankful for the men and women who fight for our freedoms and their right to be paid millions to play the game they love. I would like to think that they aren’t bandwagon patriots but that they are truly proud to be Americans...
If they can cry for this country on national television the rest of us should cry for this country. We should remember the America that was and that can still be. We need to be proud to wave old glory, say the pledge of allegiance in schools, pray before public events, teach our kids about the history of this country and most importantly teach our kids to be proud to be Americans!
