Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Clean As A Hound's Tooth

What does clean as a hound’s tooth mean? It’s a Southern saying. Contrary to what people used to believe, a dog’s mouth is actually just as dirty as a human’s. In this case those crying racism are as clean as a hound’s tooth. 

Recently, Roseanne Barr tweeted a comment that many people said was “racist”… others said was distasteful…some just didn’t care. When I heard her show had been canceled after the tweet I was shocked. I caught part of the story on the radio after an appointment & I had not heard exactly what was “tweeted”. 

Once I heard the tweet I was somewhat confused as to how the network swiftly canceled her show and released a tongue lashing of a statement. I’ve seen and heard equally offensive things from people air on the network and no action was taken. I’ve heard equally offensive and even worse things air on other networks and no pink slips were handed out. So why the swift move on Roseanne and why the jump to the race card? 

First, I have to say that when I heard & read what was tweeted my mind didn't immediately think “racist tweet”. I thought a Planet of the Apes reference was inaccurate…I personally think VJ looks more like those midget bear-like ewok creatures from Start Wars. But I could be mistaken. Either way, I was baffled as to why people automatically screamed racism. 

Which leads to my next point, the double standard in the media and certain segments of society. I often joke that I’m the least “PC” person you will ever meet. I’m a strong believer that if you can dish it out you have to be able to take it. I also try to live my life to the best of my ability based on FACTS. Which is why I’m shocked that ABC would swiftly cancel a show based on a tweet, of all things.

Numerous times on SEVERAL networks I’ve heard people insult Christians, Jews, Caucasians, Asians, this country, the POTUS…the list goes on. Not one time do I remember actions as decisive and swift as this take place. In fact, it’s almost as if you can insult every group except African Americans. This based on just the comments that have been aired…I’d hate to hear what people say in the privacy of their own homes or circle of friends. 

My second point, I’ve heard disgusting comments about killing whites, that they don’t deserve to live, among other things from some influential people in the Af-Am community. Not one time have I heard anyone on ABC or any other network criticize what they say. I can’t help but wonder how spreading so much hate is not as or more damaging as a failed joke on twitter. As someone who has received death threats, I am far more concerned about that than someone saying I look like an animal from a movie. 

Threatening someone’s life based on race or beliefs is not anywhere near as dangerous as comparing them to an animal. Do I agree with what Roseanne said? Not really. Do I believe in her right to say it? Yes. Do I think she meant to seem “racist”? I’ll never know, but I do know that she had minorities working on her show…so I would assume not. Do I think, based on previous comments ON AIR by other people, the actions taken by ABC were fair? No. 

Notice, I did not say they weren’t right. I said they weren’t FAIR. Every organization has their own set of standards and it is their right to enforce those standards. That being said, those standards, rules, etc. should be enforced with ALL people associated with their organization. In this situation, that did not happen. Roseanne was made an example of and she was not held to the same low standards as others in the industry or who are part of ABC. I’m not a lawyer but sometimes I pretend to be one…I would say she may have good case on her hands…“Old white lady gets canned for off the job remark yet her counterparts still hold their positions after making insulting comments on air.” I could be wrong…but if I were her I’d probably fight tooth & nail for a paycheck. 

My third point, why is it the people who cry racism are the first ones to separate themselves from the “pack”? An example of this comes from the wacky state of Oregon. A bar had a “reparations” happy hour where they discouraged whites from going to the bar and gave blacks $10 when they walked in the door. The $10 was paid for by whites who believe in reparations. I thought the whole point of ending racism was to NOT be separate but equal, but to be together and equal. 

Events like the one at the bar seem to contradict everything they’re “fighting” for. If you want to be included in society and treated equally why would you separate yourself from the people you say aren’t including you? It’s like working really hard to make the team…you make the team…then you decide you’re going to start your own team. Doesn’t make sense. In fact, I would go as far as to say it’s reverse racism. 

I’ve never been a fan of groups of people based on race. Whether at schools or community organizations…I feel they display blatant hypocrisy. I understand wanting to celebrate your heritage/culture, but wouldn’t you want others to celebrate with you? If you’re looking to be included wouldn't you want those you want to include you to be included as well? We should not start separating ourselves based on race, because it feeds the monster that was fought years ago and in some places some people may still be trying to quell. Inclusiveness and exposure to our differences is the key to acceptance.

Lastly, the pot needs to stop calling the kettle black. If you’re going to interpret any comments or tweet as racist you should practice what you preach. Many of these people who are upset about Roseanne’s comments are guilty of the same and much worse. I know this because I’ve seen it and was shocked they still had jobs after their comments!

If true equality is what people are striving for there can’t be a separate set of rules based on the color of your skin or political beliefs. You can’t separate yourself from the rest of society and expect to be accepted and understood. You can’t make distasteful, hateful & racist comments and expect no one else to. You can’t live by one set of rules and standards and expect everyone else to live by different ones…that would make you as clean as hound’s tooth. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

ALL Lives Matter

All lives matter. It’s as simple as that. Or it should be as simple as that. Unfortunately, after many recent events it has come to light that not all lives matter. Only a select few lives matter. At least that’s what some in power want us to think.

I recently stated that Donald Trump’s bid to become the GOP candidate for POTUS was starting to look like a bit of a joke. Even though I don’t agree with all of his views I can say that he is the only candidate who seems to be serious about addressing the big pink elephant in the room…to me that makes him less of a joke. He’s the only candidate that has walked the walk. Don’t get me wrong, there are a few other candidates who have talked the talk, but he actually took the time to meet with the families of those who were killed by illegal aliens.

The time he spent this past weekend with those families says a lot about where his heart is. Yes, he may come off as tooting his own horn, but what candidate doesn’t? Yes, he didn’t use “politically correct” words, but is that what we need as a country right now? No matter if you love him or hate him, because there seems to be no in between, he is proving that he believes all lives matter.

In a day when the current President addresses the deaths of criminals killed by cops and ignores an innocent woman brutally shot in front of her father we need someone like Trump to stir the pot. We need someone to stand up for American lives. Not gay Americans. Not black Americans. Not Latino Americans. ALL Americans. Our country is at a time when our constitutional rights are being questioned every day. As Americans we are already fighting for the constitution. We shouldn’t have to fight for our lives and fight invaders for our country.

Don’t get me wrong those illegal aliens who sneak over matter too. They just shouldn’t matter to us. The countries from which they have come do not believe all lives matter and we are paying the consequences. Many of the countries south of our border are corrupt and are only worried about their 1%.  Although, the governments are corrupt the people let it happen. Instead of fighting to illegally cross our borders they should be fighting to change the world they are fleeing from.

America wasn’t built over night. Our forefathers knew that all lives mattered. They knew the importance of free speech. They knew the importance of the right to bear arms. They knew the importance of freedom of religion. Most importantly, they knew the power of the people. Our 3 branches of government have slowly started to morph into one under the current President, but that’s not how it was supposed to be.

The importance of the voice of the people was what was supposed drive this country. Instead, we’ve come to a place where American’s are screaming for real positive change and we’re getting nothing! If Obama can acknowledge the death of several criminals there’s no question that he should acknowledge the horrible death of Kate Steinle…but he hasn’t. He hasn’t done this because to him not all lives matter. To him the only lives that matter are the ones that will win him votes. The huge influx of illegals is no accident. The administration and his cronies manufactured it as a way to keep this socialist regime in power.

The people who are being let in are used to tyrants in power. To them it’s nothing new. These are the people who will vote if Obama has his way. The criminals who are coming here illegally will lead to the fall of America as we know it if it is not stopped. Not just the fictional “white privileged” America, but the melting pot and world power America. The America that gave birth to innovation, technology, freedom and the American Dream. That America will be no more if we do not stop illegal aliens from coming.

True Americans know that all American lives matter. No matter your race or age or your social status. True Americans do not believe that Freddie Gray is more important than Kate Steinle. True Americans see that Obama has been the most divisive president in history. He has made it so people are starting to think not all lives matter. He has minorities thinking that whites don’t believe all lives matter. He has this country thinking there are race issues.

There will always be that small group of people in every race who think they’re better. That can’t be denied. But it used to be a small group of people. Now the country is more divided than ever because the people running it are saying only a few lives matter. In addition, they are now starting to believe American lives don’t matter either. If this keeps going that will be the end of America, as we know it.

As I’ve said before I’ve spent a lot of time with various families who had a loved one murdered by an illegal alien. One of the things I have found so interesting is that no matter the race, no matter the social status they all agree. They all come together often hugging when they meet. They stay in touch after the first meeting. They become friends and a support group. They know all American lives matter. It’s sad that a horrible act had to bring these people from different walks of life together. But it is good to see that there are still people from different walks of life who can come together and fight for one cause.

I’ve never heard a racist comment come out of their mouths. I’ve never seen them talk down to someone else. The real impressive part, is I’ve never heard them say the illegal aliens’ lives don’t matter. They may have called them a monster for torturing their son or raping their sister or randomly shooting their son at a red light. That I can’t blame them for…I’m sure I would do and say far worse. Instead, I hear words of encouragement from those who have been suffering longer. I hear them say ALL lives matter. I hear them blame the government in other countries for not taking care of their people. They blame our government for caring more about illegals than Americans.  They have every right, in my mind, to lump all Mexicans, Salvidorians, Venezuelans or any other foreigners into one group and say they’re all bad. As a Latina I know I would do it! My heart is not as good as theirs.
The losses they have suffered allow them to see the bigger picture. The losses as unfortunate as they are, may be the key to getting everyone to see that all American lives matter. Listening to these people and their stories and what they have gone through and their uncertainty of lies ahead brings to light the atrocities our government is allowing to happen. The fact that none of these people have ever been acknowledged by this administration shows that we need change. We need to get the word out that we are fighting an enemy who is coming in under the radar…or at least they used to. We need for all Americans to get on the same page.

As someone who lives every single day praying my mother who, runs an organization for families, makes it to her bed in one piece I must say that all lives matter. I sometimes wish she had found a safer calling. There is always that voice in the back of my head praying “God, please keep my mother safe and don’t let some psycho hurt because of what she does for these families”.  My mother, these families and Donald Trump see the importance of American lives. They see what is happening to our people.

So today, I ask that you pray. Pray that all of these people fighting the good fight prevail. Pray that one day very soon our country will see that all American lives matter. Pray that as a nation we can learn from the past several years. Pray that Americans will learn from these families that have lost so much and join together regardless of race or social status. Pray that these countries that are sending the people they don’t want will start to see their lives matter. Most importantly, pray that God will continue to bless America and American lives.

visit www.theavocadochronicles.com

Monday, July 6, 2015

I’ll take your Trump and Raise You the Facts!

Oh yes… I know everyone is tired of hearing about Donald Trump and his illegal alien talk, but I felt the need to write a rebuttal. Before I go on, I must say that we can all pretty much agree that, at first, Donald Trump running for POTUS seemed to be a bit of a joke. I don’t agree with some of his views, but I can say his words on illegal immigration are based on facts. Go ahead get your hater pants on now. I’m ready for you! My rebuttal is for Miss Adriana Almanza. Yes, I like to name names!

I would like to start off by saying, Miss Almanza, 60 years ago my grandfather fled Mexico for America… which is what we call it.  He came here legally, sacrificing the possibility of a professional baseball career in Mexico.  As you so eloquently put it, he also worked his ass off in the fields, traveling from city to city… and often state to state to support his family. His family here in America. He had 7 children and a wife to support.  He even had his 7 children, including my mother, working in the fields during the summers to help support the family.

My grandfather, much like your father, also did not have a college education.  Eventually, after years of hard work he owned Mexican food restaurants. Talk about the American dream! He worked every day and so did my grandmother, aunts and uncles to keep the business running. They even owned multiple homes! That’s one of the benefits of being in America legally. My grandfather also did not do drugs, was not a rapist or any other kind of criminal. The only thing he was guilty of was living the American Dream and being legal while he did it!

My grandfather also put much emphasis on getting an education. In fact, 5 of his children, including my mother played collegiate sports…and on partial or full scholarships (there are several State Champs and All American athletes in my family)! The work ethic my grandfather instilled in them carried over to not only their success as athletes, but also their success in life and that of their children. He raised 7 honest children who have in turn been successful whether it be a business owner, like my mother, or a CEO of a hospital like my aunt or very successful global sales manager like my uncle. The influence is seen within my entire family.

I must agree with your thought, that a college degree is not the most important thing in life…family is. I also agree that money is not most important either. Where I disagree with you is that being a good honest person and American is also important. The fact of the matter is, your father is not a violent criminal, but he is a federal criminal for coming here illegally. My grandfather did not have money when he came here. He had his work ethic, his desire to succeed and his honesty. Those, my friend, are what the American Dream is made of!

The facts show that not all illegal aliens who flood through the Mexican border are Mexican or criminals. That being said, the facts also show that per capita illegal aliens commit more crimes than any other group in America. That includes Blacks, Asians, Whites, legal Latinos and any other group I may have forgotten. This means that if we set aside the fact that they have committed a federal offense by coming here illegally they still commit more crimes than any other group. If Americans did this in Mexico we would not be treated so well. No matter what country the illegal aliens are originally from they are coming through Mexico…and Mexico is allowing it!

This is not a tit-for-tat situation. This is following the law situation. This isn’t about discrimination. This is about going about things the proper and legal way.  Texas alone spends billions of dollars on illegals. They get free food, hospitalization, medical, education, IRS tax refunds and participate in other welfare programs. This all while not paying taxes, because like it or not most of them are paid in cash under the table! These people who come here illegally, no matter their homeland, are taking from those who need it. They take away from the Black, Latino, White and Asian Americans who have paid into the system their whole life and need the assistance.

America has now started discriminating against it’s own people because a small percentage of people want an open border so their illegal family members can reap the benefits of living here. All so their family members can take advantage of system Americans created for Americans in need. While they collect billions of dollars in benefits and cash that should be going to Americans they snub their noses at American laws, American culture and American history. They do not wish to be champions of American culture. They instead wish to take advantage of the giving and helpful nature of Americans.

I understand you love your father and think he should be allowed to be an American. The truth of the matter is, if he wanted to be an American so bad he would have become legal and raised you to understand that, although, his actions allowed America to give you the life you have it was not the proper way to do it.  Instead, it appears that you, your father and your family see no fault in his actions. In fact, it appears your father used you to seal his residency in this country. The less popular term for this is “anchor baby”.

You are why legal immigrants and citizens of this country want the birthright citizenship law to be done away with. People like you and your father do not understand what it’s like to be an American. You don’t fully appreciate or understand the American Dream. You do not respect this country and it’s laws therefore you can never truly be an American!

I sit here and write this with a college degree and a very rewarding job, in many ways. I must say that even though it isn’t everything, being an American means a lot to me…and to my family. In fact I have a degree in history and took a class on Latinos and their history in this great country. The Latinos of latter years would have looked down upon the tactics of those who are coming here illegally and taking advantage of the system. The Latinos of yesteryear wanted to be treated equal to everyone else not better than everyone else…and there is a difference!

Even though I must say that Mr. Trump could have taken a slightly softer approach, he has every right, as an American, to say it. An important fact that must be considered is that you chose to take Mr. Trumps words and pick and choose what you wanted to focus on regarding immigration and take it personally. Most importantly, you didn’t take into consideration the facts. Your personal story does not speak for all of those who came to this country illegally. Something you would not understand, because you were not raised to see the big picture…only to think about what best benefits you and not the greater good of this country. Thinking of the greater good of this country is what being a true American is about.

In contrast, I live a few hours drive and have been to The Valley (that’s what we Texans call the area just north of the border) and I have seen what this influx of illegal aliens has done. I’ve spoken to victims of crimes committed by illegals. I’ve seen the facts on illegal alien crime.  I have seen how the influx of illegals has impacted Americans and their communities. I have seen the consequences of people like you crying for an open border because a family member is illegal and they want to cut in line.

Even though you and I are both educated Latinas you and I were raised by a different kind of American.  My family takes pride in honesty and doing what is right. My family chose to live in the greatest country in history. Therefore, my family has chosen to abide by the laws of this great land. My family sees that if just any Juan, Ricardo or Maria could come to America it wouldn’t be the America the vast majority of adults want to come to. We must be selective! We must know who these people are! We must make sure the best are coming…and by best I mean the hardest workers…the most honest and the ones who will follow our laws!

So I end with this, instead of coming to America and fighting to change this great land, why don’t illegal aliens spend the same energy to change the country from which they came? The beauty of America is that people have the power to change it. If you paid attention to your history, the beauty of every country is that the people of the country have the ability to change it if they stand up and speak out.

So, now I’m standing up to you and people like you to say, we don’t need to change America. You need to change yourself and become a true American.

visit www.theavocadochronicles.com

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

If That Makes me a Racist…SO BE IT!

I’ve had a very interesting, and quite frankly, one of the hardest years ever last year and have left the Avocado Chronicles wanting. That being said, I’d figure I’d come back with a BANG! Maybe stir the pot a little. Make some people mad. School some people on reality. Bless their little bleeding hearts, but the left dropped the straw that broke the camels back…and I pray to God they run back to wherever they came from, because things could get ugly. Of course I expect them to run pretty while running, as there’s no other way to run (see my “Run Pretty” post for a little insight).

I’ve had so much to say and a lot of time to write, but I haven’t felt the NEED to post… and quite frankly I haven’t felt like my words were good enough to post. Luckily, for the 7 followers of the Avocado Chronicles, that has changed! Now that 2015 is a quarter of the way through I’ve felt the need to do a little venting.

Today’s soapbox has to do with being a racist. My mother who I will call “big NOBF” (only she knows what that means) was recently called a racist. Which made me about fall off of my beautiful ivory (because white is the chosen color of racists), sectional, sofa and hit my head on the swastika I was carving to give her for Mother’s day. How did they know?! (sarcasm…duh!)

I did laugh out loud and wondered how anyone could make such a strong and false accusation…defamation of character really. Then I remembered…only people without a valid argument pull the race card. It’s the only argument that, for some reason, people still cling to. Things have gotten so PC I can’t even put down my OWN race! And that is VERY disappointing.

The race card has become the go to accusation when someone is losing and just wants to make a dollar. Al Sharpton does it…Sylvia Garcia a Texas “senator” does it… So do NFL players… Some actors do it…illegal aliens do it. All of these people scream racism when someone does not agree with letting them take easy street or continue their corrupt practices.

It’s all the white mans fault they claim…or used to claim. Now even I’m a racist. As some of you know…I am obviously NOT white. I’m brown…medium brown to be exact, with dark hair and dark eyes. Yet I am a racist, because I don’t believe that we should allow illegal aliens to stay in this country. I’m a racist because I don’t enjoy taking care of Jose and his family who snuck over from Mexico and waited in line for 5 hours to get their Harris County gold card and now get free healthcare. I don’t think I should have to press “1” for English. I don’t think I should have to carry a 9mm and a .380 to defend myself, because per capita illegal aliens have the highest crime rate and are infiltrating my country at an alarming rate. One concealed handgun is all I want to carry…2 handguns in my Louis Vuitton is just far too heavy. But that’s neither here nor there.

My real issue is that someone who has never met my mother, big NOBF, or me could make such awful accusations against us…all because we don’t agree with their twisted views. What happened to the day of respecting another person’s opinion? What happened to following the laws of this land? What happened to being strong enough in your opinions that you can make a valid argument without making false attacks to defame someone? The day of having respect for yourself and for your neighbor has gone for many people.

The generation of “everyone wins” is growing up. They’re getting jobs and working and using their liberal arts degrees to cut down anyone who believes in traditional values…America… The Constitution… These kids are used to always winning and unlike my generation never got spanked when they were out of line. I remember getting slightly out of line in the grocery store and seeing my mom give me that slight shake of her hand…open hand…palm up…fingers together… movement was all in the wrist. That signal put the fear of God in me! In my world God spoke through that hand. Now, as a 30 something adult I realize, in a way, God did speak through that hand.

That “racist” hand of my mother taught me I’m not always right. I need to respect other people. I don’t lie. Most importantly, I follow rules and the law. How often I’ve slipped up is debatable, but we’ll save that for another day. My point is I would never dream of doing any of the things I see happening in the world today.

I would never dream of being the witness who lied about the Ferguson shooting and playing the race card. I would never dream of illegally entering a country and expecting to be provided for as a federal criminal (FYI, ALL illegal aliens are federal criminals). Most importantly I would never dream of calling someone a racist solely based on the fact that they do not agree with me. Slander in my world, even today, got the hand signal…get the belt out of the closet when you get home.

My initial reaction the first time someone said my mother was racist was anger. My mind could not understand the thought process that someone goes through when they say things like that. Now my reaction, thanks to big NOBF, is to embrace it. If they’re going to slander and attack you for stating the facts so be it. As big NOBF said you must have been doing something right.

So, I admit it…I’ll take the title of “racist”. Racist by definition is someone who believes one race is better than another. One of the definitions of race is a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc. So you little race bating liberals who have to always win…I’m giving you your participation trophy. Letting you “win”…You’re right…I am an American racist…racist against non-Americans. I believe that America’s history is amazing & inspiring & the best story ever told. I believe that American culture is superior. I believe English is the best language. I believe that America is the best. If being a patriot, a Champion for American culture and American laws because I think America is the greatest makes me a racist…then so be it! I’m a proud American and my racist little American heart wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m proud to say I believe in the melting pot this country is. I’m proud to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I’m proud to say I live in the land of the American dream.

If wanting people to protect all those things I love by securing our borders and making sure people who truly believe the same things in their hearts makes me a racist. I will take that title. Proud Latina American Racist.

visit www.theavocadochronicles.com

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Year of Lessons Learned

It is 9/11 once again my friends! I’m turning 29, AGAIN…and I must say this past year has been a trying one. Probably one of the hardest years in my adult life. I always try to keep things in perspective. I try to stay positive and remember that God blessed me with another day and all of my limbs and my mind is right (but that’s relative). With all of that being said some days just flat out suck!

As I mentioned, this year has been interesting, to say the least. Like I said I’ve learned a lot. Some things good and some things…eh…not so good. But all lessons learned are good right? Right???

The first thing that struck home this year is how short life is and how fast time flies. I lost the only grandfather I knew in June. We weren’t very close and I can take some of the blame for that, but we were close enough. Close enough for me to wonder how I would describe him to my children. I still have a bookshelf that he made me (my first real bookshelf) and hope to someday pass that on to my little ones. He literally passed, in my grandparent’s home, in minutes.

Life is fleeting and you don’t realize it until you lose someone who is close to you. Death doesn’t impact you as much until you’re older. When the reality that you can be alive one minute and gone the next REALLY hits, it hits hard.

The second thing I learned is what family really is. I always thought family was blood or those people who married your blood. Family is more than that and at times less than that. For me, as an only child, most of my family is not blood related. My family has become my close friends. Whether I’ve known them for 20 years or 2 years, my “family” are those who have chosen to love me unconditionally. They are the friends who admit when they’re wrong and apologize. The friends you can argue with and then see each other again and it’s like nothing ever happened…no apology needed.

Your family is the group of people who help you through your day. Who, even when they’re tired and have their own struggles, make time for you…make the time to be your very own cheerleading squad.  The quote goes something like, they’re the people who know everything about you yet still choose to have you in their lives. Family isn’t blood. Family is the people who know the good the bad and the ugly and still stick around. You may not share genetics, but sharing tears, laughter, life experiences and a few bottles of wine can often bond two souls together more than blood ever could.

The third thing, family will disappoint you. I’ve had more interaction with my family the last year than I have in a while. I had a bag of mixed feelings. For me, family was always important. I always tried to reach out to my aunts and uncles and cousins…many times left wanting. After I realized family isn’t always blood (see above) it made the disappointment much easier to swallow. I’ve learned that disappointment by family is inevitable. It will happen. It is unavoidable no matter how many phone calls you make or emails & texts you send. Not everyone values relationships the same way you do…and that’s ok. At the end of the day, you will be let down…it may be your parents, stepparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or whomever. What makes understanding this easier is if you know you did everything you could to save those relationships. If you did your part you should be able to sleep at night.

Number four…love is a bastard and most of the time too early or late to the party. You would think I would have learned this by now, but it didn’t quite sink in. I’ve had my share of relationships, but the last year has been a rollercoaster, maybe due to the mega-circus around me. Having an ex come back into your life almost 2 years later and profess his feelings is a shock and slightly annoying. Apparently 2 years ago we were at two different parties.

Then I dated a guy who was running a little early to the party, and then had to go home for his phone, therefore becoming late to the party is also a shock.  I’ve learned that love works on it’s own schedule. Whether it’s a six-month relationship or the love of your life…love does not care about your schedule. Sometimes you have to cut someone loose to give someone else a second chance. Sometimes, putting the hurt you experienced by a lover aside can be good. Sometimes, seeing if you’re at the same party at the same time can work. And by work I don’t mean rainbows, unicorns and a white picket fence. Sometimes, “working” means realizing it was never meant to be…and sometimes you see it was meant to be.

The fifth important thing I learned this year is that a job is just a job. Yes… I know…we all have bills to pay and at least one mouth to feed. At the end of the day it’s not the end of the world if everything at work isn’t going well. Sometimes you’ll have a gossipy co-worker, sometimes your boss will hate you or you have zero motivation for a few weeks. Unless you’re doing something you absolutely love, your job is just a job. Don’t let it stress you out. Don’t let the people associated with work make you start questioning who you are as a person or how talented or good you are at you work. Don’t let your work overshadow the important things in life. You can always find another job…even though interviewing sucks!

The sixth and final thing I’ll bore you with today is, people will do and say things just because they can. I don’t mean jokes or compliments or regular everyday banter. I’m talking about the playground gossip, the twisting stories just to make it more interesting, the ex from 10 years ago who calls just to make your skin crawl. People do things because as humans and Americans we have free will. I don’t always like it, but its part of life. We have no control over what others say and do. The only thing we have control over is how we react. Needless to say the reaction part is the part I have yet to master.

I may not have mastered my immediate reaction to them, but I have mastered how it makes me feel. Even though, many times, I’d like to give people a piece of my mind…I’ve learned to let most of it go. In fact, I look at it as a compliment now. I’m so important and impact their life in such a way that they can’t hold back their desire to talk or tell stories about me…or to call or text me. The urge and feeling is so strong they must take action. The fact that most of the time I couldn’t care less gives me more control than they could ever have…and that’s a great thing to learn!

So as I sit here, waiting to meet with one of my “non-blood family members”, I can’t help but to have positive thoughts about the future. Yes, today is not going down in the record books as one of my best, but it is going down as a day of great reflection. A day that I was able to look back and see that when life is hard and everything seems to be going wrong there is a light. Relationships my have been severed, family lost, loves lost, work-life balance is teetering, and gossip talked about me, but I’ve learned something. Nothing is better than learning about life.

My official celebration with loved ones may be Saturday, but my personal celebration is today.

God let me wake up this morning and live another day and I intend to make the last few hours of my day great…because I have complete control of how I feel. And at the end of the day, things could always be a lot worse. 

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